Community Events
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Past Events
Nelson Wolff Stadium
April 8, 2024
10 am - 3 pm
This event is focused for school groups. Southwest Research Institute scientists will be tabling alongside Scobee, Witte, UTSA, and more. SwRI will be showing the solar science research that happens starting right here in San Antonio. Other tables and a stage program will be happening at the event. If you are a teacher, principal, or other educator, please request a registration form. Registration is capped at 7,000.

SeaWorld San Antonio
April 8, 2024
Starts at 11 am
The Eclipse Party will feature presentations from Southwest Research Institute experts who will explain the science behind the eclipse. The first 2,500 guests will receive Sea World themed eclipse viewing glasses. Guests will get the chance to ride the park’s rollercoasters all day long; Sea World is in the path of totality.

Witte Museum
April 8, 2024
12 - 3 pm
Enjoy the eclipse with other museum goers from the beautiful grounds. Visitors will receive complimentary eclipse viewing glasses, included with general admission (while supplies last). According to the museum website: The Witte Museum will be 0.04% away from totality and will be at 99.96% obscuration (concealment) during the eclipse maximum.

Morales Junior High School
November 18, 2023
10 am - 12 pm
SwRI booth with PUNCH pinhole projectors, 3-d printed asteroids, SwRI Mission materials such as LRO, Europa Clipper, and more

Scobee Education Center - San Antonio College
October 14, 2023
9 am - 1:30 pm
SwRI booth with PUNCH pinhole projectors, 3-d printed asteroids, SwRI Mission materials such as LRO, Europa Clipper, and more

SAISD - Lanier High School
October 14, 2023
10am - 1 pm
SwRI booth with PUNCH pinhole projectors, material on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

SAISD - Started at Highlands High School, ended at Collins Gardens
October 14, 2023
9am - 2 pm

SAISD - Neal Elementary School
October 14, 2023
9am - 1 pm
STEM Fair with tables for kids and parents to do STEM activities. I was stationed on one of the tables for most of the event. Eclipse viewing glasses were handed out and the eclipse was viewed by the crowd. I handed out PUNCH pinhole projectors. Kids ages of 4ish to 15ish. I believe the event was open to the community

SAISD - Brackenridge High School
October 14, 2023
9am - 1 pm
SwRI booth with PUNCH pinhole projectors, material on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

School of Science & Technology - San Antonio College Prep
October 13, 2023
10 am - 11 am
Solar Eclipse talk, provided 200 pairs of glasses and PUNCH pinhole projectors

SAISD - Highland Park Elementary School
October 13, 2023
10a m - 1 pm
STEM Fair with tables for kids and parents to do STEM activities. Eclipse viewing glasses were handed out and the eclipse was viewed by the crowd. Kids were of all ages since the event was open to the community.

SAPL - Schaefer Library
Octobber 10, 2023
4pm - 4:30pm

SAPL - Semmes Library
October 5, 2023
6pm -6:30pm

SAPL - Semmes Library
October 5, 2023
5:30pm -6pm

Jones STEM Magnet Middle School
September 27, 2023
5pm - 6pm
Trained two teachers and 30 students on how to safely view solar eclipses. They are volunteering at the John Jay High School Eclipse viewing event on 14-Oct-2023. Also gave them a talk about Eclipses and the sun.

SAPL - Landa Library
September 26, 2023
6pm - 7pm
Part of the Eclipse Ready! program with SA public library system - had activities for kids after the ~30 min lecture and Q&A

EPIC Saturday - SAISD Teachers Professional Development Day
September 23, 2023
8am - 12 pm
Professional Development day with SAISD - keynote speaker and some hands on training after

STEM EcoSystem - Celebracion Celestial
September 9, 2023
5:00 - 9:00 pm
~250 teachers walked to different booths of institutions, radio stations, etc. that are providing materials or events for the upcoming eclipses; SwRI hosted a booth, gave out SwRI materials and materials about lunar and solar missions, and talked with teachers about having STEM experts out to their schools.

STEM EcoSystem - Celebracion Celestial
September 18, 2023
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Event to teach those who want to go out to volunteer during the eclipses a little more about eclipses, and provide them activities to do at events where they are volunteering.

University of Texas at San Antonio Low Vision Club - Meeting
September 16, 2023
9:00 - 11:00 am
Led by UTSA students; attended a Low Vision Club + Lighthouse for the Blind meeting, shared with them braille and tactile books with information about eclipses, the Sun; shared with them the use of a light box that converts solar energy into sound frequencies.